• About the Software


The KnowledgeFilter system as described in the 1999 patent disclosure, was the first web-based user-enhanced content system, anticipating many of the current applications comprising the second generation social Web (Web 2.0).


These include:


Knowledge-sharing sites such as Yahoo Answers: IMPROVED!


Wiki-style applications such as Wikipedia: IMPROVED!


Recommendation sites such as Amazon.com and Epinions: IMPROVED!


Digg-style applications such as Digg.com and Reddit.com: IMPROVED!


Content-sharing sites such as Flickr and YouTube: IMPROVED!


Blogs and other user-generated content systems: IMPROVED!


Group-moderated sites such as Slashdot.org: IMPROVED!


In addition to advanced versions of features now in use on those sites, the KnowledgeFilter specification describes an information-rich comment system that mines information provided by user-comment submissions to rank, sort, organize and evaluate content.



The KnowledgFilter system uses multi-criteria ratings and group-rating based sorting to elevate the most personally relevant content to the top of each page.


A unique comment parsing system replaces threaded discussion with an information-rich multi-column format. The parsed comment system divides comments into categorical columns that cause the most highly agreed-upon corroborating comments to appear side by side with the most highly agreed upon alternate views. A third comment column provides a wiki-style area for additional information, updates, and general content enhancements. All of the user-generated content is filtered by a group-moderation process that causes the most accurate and useful information to rise to the top of each content area.


The content management system consists of five basic components:


1.Idea Elevator

Facilitates knowledge and talent pooling by encouraging users to rate, annotate and enhance prior postings. Automatically elevates the best ideas to postings of higher visibility where they can be further developed by the group.

2. Collective Knowledge Generation

Concentrates knowledge by ranking, sorting and filtering opinions and ideas from a large population of people with knowledge or experience in a specific topic area. By adding multi-criteria ratings to forums and by replacing threaded discussion with quantified commentary, KnowledgeFilter allows large groups of people to share, combine and access knowledge and experience in virtually any topic area.

3. Corroboration Engine

Allows individuals to view and weigh pro-and-con comments and both sides of controversial issues. This “reality-check” function has a number of applications for making the Web a more reliable information source.

4. Search Result Enhancement

Page Rank and “relevance” sorting as used by Google to rank Web pages, is virtually useless for organizing the kind of content now included in many types of searches. By adding KnowledgeFilter to search engine results, users can benefit from the knowledge, perspectives and experiences of others


5. Decision Support

Builds consensus by ranking, sorting and sharing notes among users. Applications range from consumer product and service reviews to health education and public policy making.

Ratings-based sorting allows the most valuable content to rise to the top whenever a list of search results or topics are displayed. Rating and sorting criteria can include interest, value, popularity, the level of comment support and rating scores of content contributors who post content to multiple topics.

The "Knowledge Navigation Console" user interface provides easy access to rating scores and comments while encouraging new comments and ratings. A powerful search function allows users to locate general topics as well as specific content.

The filtering system is easy to use but powerful enough to allow custom filtering based on a "personal context," allowing users to funnel the huge amounts of information available on the Web to a useable amount of personally meaningful, reliable knowledge.

Software Specifications

KnowledgeCenter software is currently implemented using the Linux operating system, an Apache server, pHp and mySQL. It will support various other SQL databases and can easily be ported to other operating systems.

Wavelength Media