Welcome to: The Tantra.com KnowledgeCenter

A Community Resource for Sharing Tips,
Techniques and Perspectives on Tantra and Sacred Sexuality

About the KnowledgeCenter (please read before posting content)
Main Topics:
Tips for Couples * Tips for Men * Tips for Women * Sex and Spirit
Questions and Answers * Book, Video & Product Reviews


Software by: KnowledgeCenter.com

What is the KnowledgeCenter?

The KnowledgeCenter is a new way for our website visitors to share and access tips and perspectives on a variety of Tantra related topics. Unlike the old forum message board systems, the KnowledgeCenter uses feedback from other particpants to organize and filter content, allowing the best answers to your questions and the most valuable tips and information to rise to the top of each category. We have seeded the KnowledgeCenter with tips and secrets from some of our own sources, and invite you to add your own comments, tips and experiences. The system filters content by allowing you to sort posting under any topic by ratings, comment support level, author or date. You can participate in the filtering process by rating items for interest, accuracy and presentation and by adding you own comments toany posting. A robust search function allows you to find content by topic or within postings. A Dynamically Generated Content Map allows you to see a list of all postings.

Guidelines for Contributing Content and Feedback

You are invited to submit your own tips and experiences, or other postings under the appropriate topic heading. Simply go to the main subject page and click your way into the desired topic page. Use the "Submit New Content" button at the left and type or paste your contribution into the field provided. You may use your email address if you want feedback from others regarding your posting, or just use your name if you wish to limit feedback to comments on your posting submitted by others. Please browse the postings under your topic of interest before posting to see if it would be more appropriate to provide supporting or other comments to an existing posting. You may add links to other Web-resources in the field provided but please do not use the KnowledgeCenter to promote products or services. If you come across inappropriate postings, please use the "Moderator Alert" link at the bottom of each item page to let us know about them. Access to the entire site will be blocked as a result of abuse. Do not post content that is copyrighted by others without permission. By posting original content to the KnowledgeCenter, you grant Tantra.com non-exclusive permission to re-use it under its own copyright. Explore and Contribute Now

Reading and Contributing Book, Video and Sensual Product Reviews
You are invited to submit comments and reviews on any products carried by Tantra.com or suggest new products for us to carry. Simply go to The KnowledgeCenter , select the right category and product and submit ratings or comments under any product listing. You can also use the search function to find specific products. Read and Contribute Reviews Now

Finding and Sorting Content by Corroboration Level and Group Ratings

There are three ways to find content within the Knowledge Base:
1) Browse the topics by drilling down from the main subject page and its index list.
2) Click on the "Visual Category Map" button on the upper left of each page to view a detailed taxonomic key to all postings.
3) Use the search function to generate a list of relevant postings based on keywords within the subject line or within the text of all postings.Once you find the topic you are interested in, use the "sort by" function to sort the postings within that topic by comment support level, interest rating, perceived accuracy or presentation rating, author, or date. Add comments under the appropriate category.

Main Topics

Tips for Couples
Enhancing Romance, Sensual tips,
Lovemaking secrets, positions, relationship issues and more.

Tips for Women
Freeing the female orgasm, enhancing your pleasure, enhancing his pleasure, favorite products, female ejaculation and more.

Tips for Men
Ejaculation control, male multiple orgasm, tips for pleasing her. increasing libido, erections, etc.

Sex and Spirit
These are the forums for discussing the spiritual side of Tantra. Articles and commentary on ancient traditions, esoteric practices, kundalini, the chakras, various texts and practices, transendental sex, enlightenment through sex and sexual energy beyond the body.

Questions and Answers
This is a place to post general questions to be answered by others. If you have answers, post as a positive comment. Sort questions by comment support to find active discussions.

Favorite DVD's and Videos
Share your experience of various videos, DVDs and movies on Tantra and sacred sexuality. Find out what people who like or dislike them are saying about them.

Favorite Books
Share your experience of various books on Tantra and sacred sexuality. Find out which books are best suited to your needs and interests.

Favorite Sensual Products
Share your experiences with various sexual enhancement products, lubricants, aphrodiaisacs, toys, etc. Find out what people who like or dislike them are saying about them. Share and learn!

KnowledgeCenter System Feedback
This is the place to post comments and feedback on the use of this sytem. Suggest new topics and features.

Please provide any feedback to me directly or post to the category "KnowledgeCenter Feedback"

Thank You for your Participation!

Michael Heumann
President: KnowledgeFilter Inc.
Founder: KnowledgeCenter.com, WisdomBase.org

Michael Heumann@knowledgecenter (dot) com

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